So my journey with my Motorola Droid( from here on out to be called Droid) began in February 2010. Not long after its birth into the mobile world the Droid came to live in my world. I didn't know how much it would change my world! I really and truly love my Droid I rarely disrespect it my just saying merely my phone because its so much more than that. It was a rough start to our relationship but things only got better.
There were a few out of the box issues that weren't expected: although I was told u could make a call and still browse the web that didn't happen. This was a suprise since I made the sales rep prove this was possible. I called my little Verizon friend (Jeremy) and vented big time since this is the first phone I have ever paid more than $50. Jeremy explained ever so calmly that this was only possible if you were connected to wifi. Ok, seemingly no problem. Well, come to find out I can't conneect to wifi no matter what I tried. That was until I came across a post in one the many forums that I troll for information. The second out of the box issue was the screen would not go I to sleep mode during a call. This led to MANY ended calls, many buttons pressed in callers ears and many conversations screwed up by a pressed mute button.
An issue that arose about 2 months into the Droid being in my life I noticed the charge was kinda funky. I thought this can't be possible all this power but battery issues but that wasn't the case. Somehow the charge port became distorted and was not allowing the plug to stay in properly. I had to make the decision to get a replacement phone which would mean most likely a refurbished phone. I had a real issue with this because as I already stated this is the first phone I paid this much for and now I may be getting someone else's problem. I took at least a month and 40 minute call to a VZW Rep. to finally decide to go through with it.
Really good decision to get another phone. Charging fine, screen sleeps on a call now and I was finally able to connect to wifi!!!!
All that to say, I received the Froyo 2.2 update on Friday, August 13th while I was laying in bed sick....what a pick me up and let down all in one. Love the improvements but hate the disappointment of no flash 10.1 and dramatic decrease in battery life. But today I have a renewed love for my Droid! I was able to download flash myself and today the battery last from 11:11am off the charger Still 11:40p red alert! 12 hours that's the best since having this lovely piece of equipment.
I know there is so much more my Droid can do that I have yet to tap into. I'd like to bring you on this journey with me!
Stay Tuned...
P.S. Please excuses any typos...I have been typing on my Droid and watching TV :-)