Despite what it may look like and sound like....God's GOT IT.

All in a set time...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Almost had a $150 paperweight

So, since my last post I have tried two different ROMS: CM7.0.3 and Liquid Gingerbread. Each have their own pros and cons, currently working on that list but here is the  point of this post is to talk about the fact that Liquid Gingerbread was dropping calls left and right.I was going out and needed a reliable phone so I thought I would go back to it's original state and work out the kinks later. turned into a nightmare. I went to ROM manager about an hour and 45 minutes before I was about to leave, thinking this can't be hard and shouldn't take long. I clicked on Manage and Restore Backups. Now, let me say here that I didn't exactly backup before flashing to CM7.0.3. The only backup was when it asks you to check those two options :
Maybe this wasn't good enough or maybe you can't go from gingerbread back to 2.2.2, I don't know. All I do know is that the phone got stuck in boot mode. I got DROID and I got the red eye and that was it over and over and over and the only fix was a battery pull. I wasn't too panicked yet because I figured all I had to do was get into the recovery screen (power and x) and I'd be able to do the back up from there. About now is when the panic did set in because I couldn't do anything in recovery, the phone would reboot before anything would take place.
So, I went hunting for help on the web...checked all the usual suspects but I started with the video I used to root with thinking there would be a clue there. What I did find was instructions on flashing a sbf file via bootloader using RSD. I used RSD 4.6 during my rooting process and thought this would probably work for me. I had a time getting the PC to recognize the phone but it finally did. I then searched for "2.2.2 sbf for original droid" and found a post about a sbf file: f

However, I couldn't find a place to download this file and ended up with :

After flashing this something still didn't work right, so I panicked more and tried to flash somethng used during rooting, I think that was my saving grace because I was given the option to wipe data and able to now get into recovery a little further than before. So I wiped data and then tried to flash  JRDNEM_U3_3.4.3-36-1.1 again. I was then back up and running but now here is my says Wifi error, I can't connect to wifi at all!
Here is a picture of my about phone so you can see what I'm working with:

So, needless to say, I'm shaking in my boots about any further "tweaking:" but I gotta do something!! 
HELP me!!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Technology may not have been my first love...

Like I said: technology may not have been my first love but it surely is a great love (no greater than God)!. I have been pondering rooting my Original Droid for quite some time but the thought of bricking my baby was so daunting! Finally, last week, I held my breath and jumped in. Okay, don't get me wrong, I did what I do first and that's research, research and research. I found 3 different versions of the easiest way to root and was ready to do it.

The first try was SuperOneClick, which I found instructions to on but it didn't work. There was no error that I recall on the phone but on the PC there was an error. I was disappointed because I felt like this wasn't going to work. But I took a step back and said to myself: "Self, sometimes the best things are the things you work hardest for".

So, I moved onto the next tutorial that I found on as well and that one was a bit labor intensive. I don't mind a lot of steps but it seemed to me that there were so many steps that I was bound to miss something and mess up. From watching the video the first time you don't realize that there are preparatory steps, so I moved onto the 3rd video.

By now I'm sweating and a little upset that I started this process at 11pm!!! The 3rd video was narrated by, what sounded like a 12 year old but I watched it twice to make sure I knew the steps. I downloaded everything, which I think was 1 or 2 files, prepped the PC and had the phone ready and raring to go. I followed the directions, felt like everything was going well and then NOTHING! I mean nothing! I was almost in a complete and utter panic. I realize I getting tired and to be quite honest a little cranky too! I put the phone down, got a cup of cold water and thought about the process and what I could have done wrong. I read a few more of the problems that people were having, none I saw as mine did nothing but I thought maybe I'd see something. So, I figured, I'd give it one more try before going to bed and starting fresh in the morning. YAY, for me the next try worked and I was super excited!

I'm rooted!! And the first thing I did was change my text signature to "~I'm ROOTED B@#%^!~"  and then I went to bed, ok after looking for a new ROM. It only took me 3 hours...I think that's pretty good considering all that I tested and tried first!

All of that brings me to this: since I was so excited about my Original Droid being rooted I wanted to root my friends G1...BIG MISTAKE!!! Wednesday I started the process and I wasn't able to successfully root it until Friday and now I can't get any ROM to work on it! I'm getting angry and frustrated and feeling really defeated right about now! I've tried CM5 & CM6 and Pyron_gingerbread. I've tried using the CM wiki instructions, I've tried flashing from recovery, installing SD...nothing works!!!

So, if there are any G1 rooters out there, HELP!!