
Despite what it may look like and sound like....God's GOT IT.

All in a set time...

Sunday, November 1, 2020

A Journey of 10,000 Steps

    After 170 days, 5 months and 17 days, of quarantine due to the covid-19 pandemic that affected the world this year I decided to take back control. Being a naturally anxious person, I was more than surprised when I felt at ease the first 2 weeks. I did start to slightly unravel at the beginning of April and by my birthday on the 24th the spiral downward was evident. I was overjoyed at a basket of comforting snacks that were gifted to me it sealed my fate for five months. I found solace, 12 pounds worth of it, in my snacks. However, by the end of August when it seemed more than evident that this nightmare was far from over, I understood that I would be far more unhappy fat and worried than just worried.
   The decision I made was to start a low carb diet. Nine years prior a low carb diet had helped me lose 55 pounds in a little under 6 months and an additional 10 in the 4 months following that. Clearly, low carb is what works for me and that is important to know - what works for you in everything, not just a weight loss plan. My goal is to lose 50 pounds. I don't expect it to be as quickly as it was before because that was a disciplined and physician guided plan. I do, however, expect it to happen. And so, began my journey. I reviewed the app I used to track my meals in the last 4 months of my previous weight loss to find out what amount of carbs was my threshold and set that as my goal. Due to covid precauations I was already taking my blood pressure and temperature as well as oxygen saturation almost daily, why not add to the tracking. Intermittent Fasting has also worked for me in the short term in the past therefore I surmised that combining the two would supercharge this journey.
    I started the journey September 1st. It was going well so I decided to add walking to the plan. How much walking was the question? Because exercise isn't something that I particularly enjoy, I decided on 10 min that week and work up from there. Some might think what difference 10 minutes could possibly make. I don't know but in my mind any movement was better than none. So off I went. Here is where I'll probably lose a lot of people. It really wasn't off I went anywhere because all I did was walk in place during a commercial here and there and by the end of the month, I was walking in place for a whole 30 minutes including repetions of a flight of steps during the commercials! I know for most, walking in place seems boring and pointless but for me a funny sitcom or a favorite show helped to take my mind off of the sweat pouring down my face or the exhaustion. Well, it paid off! By the end of September, I had lost 11.2 pounds. Goodbye quarantine weight! Next step, literally what was going to be the next step was something that is very common out there now. I was going to do 10,000 steps a day for the next 31 days. This was a daunting task. During the summer, I had taken a few brave trips out to Liberty State Park to walk in an attempt to get these 10,000 steps a day. What I found out was on the days I didn't make this attempt I was barely getting 600 steps a day. The handful of times I did make the goal it felt like self-torture. But here I was going for it again.
   What I learned during the summer and times before about step tracking was using my phone was annoying. Sure, nowadays we do usually have our phones with us, but we don't get to track all of the steps we do take without it and there really are plenty when you're not being a complete couch potato. I began researching a bit early on in September a tool to track my steps. There are so many options, maybe too many! I am a self-proclaimed techie, so I thought I wanted something with all the bells and whistles, but I am also indecisive for many reasons. I love to get a good deal, so I have buyer’s remorse and try to mitigate that by making the best decision. I also have FOMO in some situations so if a new feature debuts I would feel like I made the wrong decision. But I had to make a decision because what I had definitely decided was I didn't want to have to tote my phone somehow while walking in place or doing day to day movements. And just like a rest area sign on a long road trip I saw a sign that seemed like it was just for me. It was a social media sponsored ad for a FREE smartwatch. The free smartwatch could do most of things I was looking for and if it didn't...IT WAS FREE! So, I read a good number of reviews and saw nothing to be alarmed about. I ordered it! Now, was it free, free? No, of course not, you have to pay for shipping and handling. Shipping and handling was a little under $15. So, a smartwatch for $15, still a deal even if it didn't do what it said it was going to do.
   I placed my order on September 9th. Nine days later I received a notification that it was shipped. Because, probably like everyone else during quarantine, I have so many orders coming in, it was hard to keep track of when my "FREE" smartwatch was expected. But it arrived October 1st, after 4pm. I charged it up, a lot more difficult than you might think, and started walking! (that first night I did almost 8k steps before 10p)
   But before we get to the walking...let me introduce you to my review of the Sleek Smart Fitness Watch (and the FitPro App) . I have not been paid or otherwise compensated for this review. I am, in no way affiliated with this or any other company that has a vested interest in the following review.
Why I ordered?
  • "Functional Fitness Tracker"
    I was looking for a device that could accurately record my steps in order to keep me motivated toward my goal.
  • "Blood Pressure Monitoring"
    In 2010, prior to my initial weight loss, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. When I lost the weight the BP issues all but disappeared. But as you may have guessed, it had reappeared even prior to the quarantine weight. So, I wanted to be able to track it easier than the using my portable machine.
  • "Text & Email Notifications"
    It made sense to me, if I was going to be wearing something because I didn't want to always have the phone in my hand/on my person that I would be able to have the luxury of seeing my messages.
How it did?
  • The "Functional Fitness Tracker" says it tracks steps. The website says, "record your daily walking steps, distance and calories burned". Does it technically perform these actions? Yes, it does. Does it perform these actions with precise accuracy? Ehhh... Unfortunately, I am unable to separate the way the watch functions and the inadequacies of the app for this particular function. 90% of the time I think the watch does track steps accurately. The app takes some time to catch up sometimes. The other 10% of the time there is no movement in step count on either the watch or the app. There doesn't seem to be a clear way to remedy this. I do the age old "turn it off-turn it on" step and sometimes that works. Other times it just seems to need its space. Kind of temperamental that way, I guess. The sports mode, which probably should be its own topic, is a bit confusing and not that helpful for my purposes. Someone else might find it useful. The Steps, Skipping, Sit-up options have a timer and a calorie count. The only one that seems to "work" is the steps. But you didn't necessarily need a separate function for that. The other two just seem to count time, calorie count remains at 0(ZERO). Pointless! Overall for this, it met my main need.
  • "Blood Pressure Monitoring" The website didn't make any particular claims about this particular feature. I wasn't going into this to use it as the main monitoring object. I was aware that wrist BP is not as accurate as upper arm and that these kinds of tools typically are off. With that in mind, these kinds of tools are typically higher readings from what I understood. This watch has been lower, much lower leading me to believe it's inaccurate altogether. For instance, yesterday I had a 135/94 reading with the portable machine and the watch was 119/75. The Heart Rate and pulse ox readings have been consistent with other apps and the portable machine. Overall for this, it's hard to say. I will do some analysis to see the percentage difference in the readings to find if it can be considered reliable in any way. (I would like to note that the portable BP machine is 10 years old)
  • "Text & Email Notifications" In all fairness I can see some of my messages most of the time. I will say about 75% of the time would be a good assessment. Unfortunately, the device only shows text, no emojis. It only shows for 2 seconds and I don't see any option to get email. Overall, this part of the functionality doesn't meet my expectations. It does alert me that the phone is ringing or if I've gotten a message if it's not near me but that’s the most I'd say it's useful for.

HITS (well TAPS)

  • The cost!
  • Tracks my steps
  • Tells time
  • Has mostly the capability to take BP
  • Battery lasts basically 3 days
  • Charges quickly
  • The band is comfortable
  • Get moving reminder


  • Charging function not intuitive and not explained in small manual
  • Screen time on is not long enough, should be customizable
  • Too many taps to get to OFF
  • It uses the "green" light, red is typically better on darker skin which I have.
  • The touch isn't as responsive as I'd like
    There is no vibrate to warn you battery is low and device is shutting off

  • MISLEADINGS (lies?)

  • "Pairs easily" -not so much the first time!
  • "Shake to take pictures" - NO it doesn't!
  • There is another "free smart watch out there under a different name and website that uses the same FitPro app

  •    Overall, the device immensely helped me stay on track and provided a silent motivation. Any device could have done this but I'm not disappointed that I got this one. The app is a different story altogether but ...this is already pretty long. The reviews on the Google Play Store are representative enough regarding the shortcomings of the app. I haven't put in any links to this product on first draft. I will think about it and edit later if I decide on it.    My journey has been great and isn't over. By October 31st, I lost an additional 8 pounds. I rocked October's step goal!! My goal for November is 15,000 steps a day!! I encourage each and everyone to do something for themselves that is going to have a lasting and postive impact on their lives. You may not need to lose weight or get in shape but whatever it is like NIKE said: Just Do IT!
       Please let me know what your thoughts are on any of the topics touched in today's blog post. I'm curious if anyone else has found their way back to a better lifestyle during this difficult period. And if you haven't and you've come across this blog, I pray you find the courage and the will to start. I'm also curious if anyone else has seen the social media sponserd ads and thought about the smart watch product I reviewed.

    NEXT: Some topics I may touch on this month

    • Leaving Verizon Wireless
    • Where is my Amazon package!?
    • Love in the time of Corona, ha!

      #IAMAWRITER #FREE #NovemberGoal #15kSteps #smallbloggers #ImBack #JesusisLord #Prayer #travellover #Tauruswoman #AprilBaby #424 #naturalhair #NE4Life #Walk2WHOA

    Tuesday, November 17, 2015

    ♥✎ Kevin Powell ♥✎

    I'm baaaackkkk.....

    November 1st, 2015, a Sunday, the day of the 2015 NYC Marathon...what a great day!
    Not only were one of my dearest friends participating but my favorite artist of the written word, Kevin Powell, was running. I had told Kevin we would be out there supporting and with supplies via Facebook and asked if he would want/need anything. He told me bananas, so you know your girl went out the night before to have fresh bananas for Kevin. But as fate would have it (probably best...because I might have ended up running the marathon just to keep talking), we just missed Kevin at our first stop  (Bedford & N. 7th in Brooklyn)! I was bit devastated that we were never able to catch him as I didn't want him to think I flaked on his bananas! However, he had a great run and I had an AWESOME time!

    I can't recall when Kevin Powell announced his memoir would be out in the latter part of 2015 but I do remember the excitement I felt about the possibility of learning more about this man that has intrigued me since 1992! Now, 23 years later, having just finished his memoir, The Education of Kevin Powell: A Boy’s Journey into Manhood, I'm even more intrigued.

    I've written here before about Kevin and it may have not been clear the connection I feel and even to me I thought it was more an attraction to a handsome, talented man but I now know it's a cosmic connection. It's something similar to to what I still feel for Maya Angelou, however I didn't feel the connection with Maya Angelou until after seeing the made for TV movie for I Know Why The Caged Birds Sing. It was my wish to meet this dynamic woman before either of us departed this earth. I felt that if I met her, spoke to her, embraced her that life would somehow make sense and fall into place. I felt she could understand me the way I felt I understood her. Now that the this earth is no longer blessed with her presence, I truly feel there is something small missing that can never be fulfilled.

    Interestingly enough, if you have read introductions to Kevin's memoir you would have read the following in some places: "In the spirit of Piri Thomas’s Down These Mean Streets and Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, this powerful memoir by writer and activist Kevin Powell vividly recounts the horrific poverty of his youth, his struggles to overcome a legacy of anger, violence, and self-hatred, and his journey to be a man and a voice for others.".  Do you see that, "in the spirit of"?  It makes my heart smile!

    The Education of Kevin Powell: A Boy’s Journey into Manhood, by Kevin Powell, Simon & Schuster, 2015. 279 pages. Reviewed by R.Davis

    Kevin Powell has long been a staple in the literary world. Many not clear on what created such a being to be able to communicate ideas, provide alliterative words that describe the musical prowess of some of music’s finest and grace the pages of magazines, books, newspapers etc. with such raw talent. This book a memoir of this well known author, reality television personality and activist introduces the reader to his world in such a way that you can almost imagine yourself a part of the story. Having long been a fan of the author and his collective works this read was more enjoyable than even initially anticipated.

    Mr. Powell’s memoir is a hard-hitting series of well written recounting of periods of a life worth living. A life of a male child raised by a single mother who, as many poor boys in the ghettoes of the inner city faced poverty, feelings of hopelessness, insecurities and displaced anger. The author takes the reader on a roller coaster of emotions. The reader will find himself or herself crying with young Kevin, wanting to embrace him, feeling like giving up on him and celebrating with him in his triumphs. There are also times when the reader will wonder if they will ever look at Mr. Powell the same ever again in both a negative and positive way.

    If the author ‘s intention was to bring the reader to a place of darkness in order expose himself so the audience could see the whole picture, like photo development, then he achieved that. In providing the story in which he was educated not only by his mother at home, the inner city school system, a fine institution such as Rutgers University and obviously the streets of Jersey City, the author educates the audience on finding self, loving self, being honest with self and most importantly the age old never give up or stop. As a whole no matter your background or lifestyle we are all in class and this book is part of the curriculum. Can you survive not reading this book, sure but why would you want to? With over 50 notes on various parts of the text it felt as if the there was a conversation happening. It didn’t feel as though it was written for the world to read but as personal letter.

    As far a recommendation, I couldn’t begin to find the words that could properly convey how strongly I believe this book should be read by not only young black males whose life mirror that which Mr. Powell has lived but even young girls of any color who need to know that the color of his skin isn’t what should be intriguing them but the possibilities that lie under the surface. Not only for the single mother raising a young man in the inner city but the married father with all girls, a father who is aware of who he is will raise a young woman who will choose a mate that deserves her mind body and soul. The young budding writer, the science geek and even those who don’t like to read anything but Facebook meme posts. This book is for all!

    I'd love to list every single note I made in my nook version but I'd be exposing a little more of my crazy than is necessary! But I do pray I get the opportunity to share them personally with Kevin Powell, the author over a cup of Chai Tea in a quiet coffee shop in the city and have him sign a copy of the hardcover book I also have. Until then, pick up the book, read it, "learn it, live it, love it"!  And when you're done with the memoir,  if you haven't already read this well written artist some more. You can find a list of his work here.

    Current situation:

    What day/time?: Tuesday 11/17/15 @ 9:20p
    Where am I? : Home on the couch in the TV room
    Who am I with?: Bailey!
    What am I wearing?: PJs
    What am I watching?: Antenna TV (old school shows love it!)
    What am I listening to?:  The Education of Kevin Powell: A Boy’s Journey into Manhood Soundtrack
    What's next?: Dinner!

    Tuesday, January 1, 2013

    Happy New Year-2013

    Can't believe another year has come and past. I don't recall if I made any resolutions, so I don't know if I kept them or not. I made a Things To Do list and I did in fact check some of those things off the list. What I didn't is now on the list again. I feel no pressure nor disappointment, only gratitude that I get to try again.
    On Sunday, the speaker at church spoke of a spiritual discipline: Lecto Deivina (Contemplative Bible Reading). It grabbed my attention enough to consider this method.
    I started this morning, and discovered something surprising yet, something I knew but quite honestly didn't think it was an issue, the way I believe it is now. So, I am making a resolution this year and beyooond (Toy Story humor--still a kid at heart). I resolve to seriously work on my UNFORGIVENESS issues!
    I read from Matthew 11:28-30 and zeroed in on the phrase: "all you who are weary and burdened".
    I wanted to see the words used and other translations and The Message...hit the proverbial nail on the head.
    From biblegateway.com
    As the Contemplative Bible Reading method goes I meditated on that phrase and wondered what is making me feel tired and worn out and I came up with: all that I'm holding on to. What am I holding on to guilt, anger, hurt and it all boils down to unforgiveness, of myself and others. I've got to let it go someway, somehow and there is no better time like the present.

    I pray this new year brings you everything your heart desires...and more!
    DroidChick...signing out. Off to do some 2013 stuff :-)

    Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    Jelly Bean Journey...

    On 9/25/12 I got the notification to update my Galaxy Nexus to JellyBean Android 4.1.1.
     I thought it would be the answer to all the Galaxy Nexus issues I've discussed in the earlier posts. What I discovered is that wasn't true. The main issue has been the battery life. Seems as if the battery was lasting about 5-6 hours tops before needing to be charged. I took the factory reset plunge....once again! I read on a few sites that this would solve the issue.
    Here is my experiment:

    First 12 hrs only the preinstalled apps
    Next 12(which included overnight) I added Google Drive and Calorie Counter 

    3:38p battery completely discharged
    Next 12 Facebook and GoSms, hdfullscreen caller id and Draw Something
    Battery did seem to deplete faster with the last 4 added...will hold off

    Phone kept charge over night waking up to 43%? still
    From 8:30a-10:30a that 43% was used up.
    Next 4 to be added when battery completely discharged again.
    Adding: Chrome,GTasks,Pandora,Voice.

    As of yesterday battery lasted about 12 hours (@10:59p it was @ 39% and had been on 10h6m 32s). I went to bed about 1:30a and that's when the phone died. What I did notice is the battery seems to also charge quicker. About 2:40a the phone was fully charged. I unplugged to see if that practice would make a difference throughout the day. The battery had the red exclamation point about 6:30p. Little to moderate use throughout the day, was actually busy at work.

    I believe a factory reset probably did help. I will continue to add apps until I see there is an issue that affects the battery life. Best time I saw was 1 day but that too was with little to moderate use and very few apps.

    Hope your journey leads you to a happy place...I"m happier but still not wowed! :-)

    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    Samsung Galaxy Nexus-camera and browser issue

    So I posted on G+ the other day the frustration I was having with my GNex.
    The camera sometimes decides it doesn't want to work. It's so random, hard to pinpoint when it will happen besides the most inopportune time!
    Also, sometimes the browser will refuse to...well, browse! And this is bother stock and chrome.
    At the suggestion of a fellow G+ er I'm posting all my apps to see if anyone knows any issues these or combination of these may cause or have caused.
    Let me know.
    Thanks a billion!

    P.S. I was hopeful at one point that there would be a patch sent for some of the known issues but that hasn't happened. Jellybean hasn't happened yet either...hmmm
    I still have my OG Droid....could find me a cool rom.

    Saturday, January 7, 2012

    Interesting Finding...galaxy nexus battery life

    So, I guess I'm obsessed with making this the best phone ever...the o in ocd LOL

    I did a factory reset just cause and charged up the battery and put wifi on. This was about 10pm. Used phone intermittently till bed time after midnight. Left it unplugged and used into the Fay all on wifi. The screenshots represent before bed, waking in the morning and two points during the day.

    Was this known already that Wi-Fi would cause less drain on the battery?

    Is there an app, I believe so, that automatically switches data/wifi based on location,time, etc.?

    Thinking if I should use my energy to build an app or the computer I have been thinking of building??

    Thursday, December 29, 2011

    Juice Defender and Galaxy Nexus

    So, I started using the Juice Defender app to attempted to eliminate my battery complaints with the Galaxy Nexus. I had really good success with Juice Defender with my OG Droid with the exception of the problems with Pandora.

    I am pleased with the results so far.  Prior to using the app I was getting at the most 7 5 hours on the battery with little use of the phone. Since using It I have been getting 10.5 on average. This is with the free version with default settings.

    Please take a look at the screen shots. I think there is a case to upgrade.

    Now if I can find other options for all the dislikes in my last post this phone might be perfection... we'll see!